23:42:06 Europe / Stockholm


IndustriÖvriga finansiella tjänster
Banca IFIS S.p.A., through its subsidiaries, engages in trade receivables, corporate banking, leasing, NPL area, and tax receivables businesses in Italy and internationally. The company offers factoring solutions, including non-recourse/recourse, export/import, direct/indirect, and maturity factoring; outright purchases; advances on future receivables; and advances for the acquisition of certified receivables. It also provides corporate banking products, such as medium/long-term and structured finance; equipment and vehicle leasing, as well as equipment rental services; and short- and medium-term financing and trade receivables support for health services’ suppliers. In addition, the company acquires/sells and manages portfolios of non-performing loans; and collects direct and indirect taxes and tax receivables. Further, it engages in retail funding business by offering Rendimax, an online savings account for individuals, companies, and insolvency proceedings; and Contomax, an online crowd current account. The company was founded in 1983 and is based in Venice, Italy. Banca IFIS S.p.A. is a subsidiary of La Scogliera S.p.A.
2019-10-30 15:26:13



Abbandonate le trattative tra Banca IFIS e Credito Fondiario

Mestre (Venezia), 30 ottobre 2019 - In data odierna il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Banca IFIS S.p.A. ha deliberato di abbandonare definitivamente le trattative con Credito Fondiario e pertanto di non passare alla fase di due diligence, in ragione delle difficoltà incontrate nella definizione di un accordo negoziale soddisfacente per entrambe le parti in termini di assetti di governance.

«Il mercato dei Non Performing Loans è e rimane strategico per Banca IFIS – spiega Luciano Colombini, Amministratore Delegato di Banca IFIS - Il nostro obiettivo è mantenere le condizioni per continuare a generare valore in futuro anche in presenza di un contesto regolamentare in evoluzione, continuando a investire sia nell’acquisto di portafogli sia nell’attività di servicing».
