Kurs & Likviditet
Land | Norge |
Lista | Euronext Growth Oslo |
Sektor | Industri |
Industri | Industriprodukter |
2024-01-16 07:30:00
Jan 16, 2024: Norsk Titanium's President & CEO, Carl Johnson and CFO, Ashar
Ashary, will be hosting meetings with investors and shareholders this week in
Oslo. In addition, there will be a group investor meeting at 12.00 CET on
Wednesday, 17 January at the offices of Carnegie. Investors wishing to attend
can register by sending an email to corporateaccess@carnegie.no.
Norsk Titanium continues to focus on its top priorities to transition parts into
production with a target to achieve USD 15-20 million in revenue in 2024. On the
path to reaching its long-term revenue targets in 2026 of USD 150 million, Norsk
Titanium has:
Qualified machine and RPD® process for Airbus production
Established specifications with major US Defense contractors and commenced
testing of parts to transition to production
Received follow-on order from Hittech for continued production of the
carrier trays
The presentation for the investor meetings is attached.
For further information, please contact:
Ashar A Ashary
+1 (518) 556-8966
Norsk Titanium is a global leader in metal 3D printing, innovating the future of
metal manufacturing by enabling a paradigm shift to a clean and sustainable
manufacturing process. With its proprietary Rapid Plasma Deposition® (RPD®)
technology and 700 MT of production capacity, Norsk Titanium offers
cost-efficient 3D printing of value-added metal parts to a large addressable
market. The RPD® technology uses significantly less raw material, energy, and
time than traditional energy-intensive forming methods, presenting customers
with an opportunity to better manage input costs, logistics, and environmental
impact. RPD® printed parts are already flying on commercial aircraft, and Norsk
Titanium has gained significant traction with large defense and industrial