2021-12-20 16:49:34
Glex AS is registered on the NOTC-list as of 21 December 2021 with ticker code “GLEX”. The Company has issued 7,682,971 common shares each with a par value NOK 0,01 all of which are registered in VPS with ISIN code NO0011157224. Based on the last share issue completed on 13 October 2021, the market capitalization of the Company is NOK 42,256,341. (NOK 5,5 per share). The Company has entered into an agreement with NOTC AS whereby it will be able to use the reporting system as of 21 December 2021.
Develop software to data driven industries. Accelerate data-driven energy transition through cross-over industry solutions utilizing vast amounts of data from current and emerging technologies and sources. Foster innovation, creativity and collaboration leading to improved communication and decision-making.
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